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Welcome to my advanced excel shop. On this page, you will find products or solutions that I have created or recommendation of products that I personally find useful.
1. everydayExcel Money Manager
everydayExcel Money Manager is a new product developed by me. In 3 steps, users can either add, amend and delete a record from the database. For the basic version, you do not have to install any database application such as Access or DBase. It runs entirely on Excel spreadsheets. This means that so long as you have Excel installed on your computer, you can use it. That’s not all! You can customised the report in the program to get the view you preferred.
The program is suitable for individual users and small companies that need to perform basic budgeting activities. It works on Excel version 2000 and above.
Price: USD 12.77
Click on this link to see the sales copy. To direct your users specifically to this product, please use
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2. Unleashing the Potential of Excel
Unleashing the Potential of Excel is a course that I taught in Singapore. To date, I have trainied more than 100 people and also conducted a number of inhouse courses for companies. It is a widely successful course with the last few courses running at full or almost full capacity, despite the fact that it is 5 to 10 times more expensive than other Excel courses in the market. We hope the video version can reach out to users beyond Singapore and users will find it useful as they work on the data given to them for analysis and reporting purposes.
Price: USD 47
Click on this link to see the sales copy. To direct your users specifically to this product, please use
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in the link to your username.
Click here to contact me if ou want to know how to become my affiliate.
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<a href=”http://www.advanced-excel.com/”>Advanced Excel – From a Business Perspective</a><a href=”http://www.advanced-excel.com/”>Advanced Excel – From a Business Perspective</a>
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